Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Formal Training Week 16

Last week marked my sixteenth week of training at Equa Do, or four months worth. It definitely feels much shorter. I went to the dojang straight from school again, and was surprised to find I had arrived there at the same time as Aaron and Sensei. I went inside, put my stuff down and made sure I was presentable for class, before filling out the homework sheet to turn in for hours toward yellow belt, while catching up with Sensei, Aaron and Miss Linda. While we were still waiting for Master Eric to finish up with the park district students, Chad and his mom arrived. Before we knew it it was time for class.

Even though we had brought our crutches, Sensei decided to introduce the next part of our weapons work instead. However, before he would show us, we had to do a full set of stretches, and strikes. I completed the task easily, however Chad struggled as he tried to keep up with my speed and fluidity. He is trying to rush his training without putting in the necessary practice hours to improve, so his attempts just looked sloppy and he was called out for it.

Sensei had us make two new goals for ourselves this week: one) No matter where we are, know the location of all exits around us, windows, and be able to scan our environment for objects to be used as weapons as necessary, and two) demonstrate increased spatial awareness, especially in cramped spaces as they are the most difficult to defend oursleves in. He is having us practice by identifying windows, exits and escape routes on a blueprint of CLC.

As far as actual lesson material, Sensei moved us onto an eight point strike sequence with our weapons, using the training bags as targets obviously. This expands on the two point and four point sequences, so that by the time you finish it, you have manuevered your weapon in roughly the shape of an asterisk, striking at each endpoint. Additionally, Sensei taught us how to use rabbit punches effectively. Rabbit punches are light, rapidfire punches directed at the same spot. The repeated striking is what hurts, andd these are best used to drive your opponent back into a corner or wall, and trapping them.

By the time we had finished, we needed to bow out, and I was asked to teach the procedure to Aaron, our newest student. This would have been Chad's responsibility except that he has shown little consistency in observing ettiquite. I was praised for this contribution, as well as turning in a fully completed hw sheet, to Chad's nonexistent hw sheet. Then, we headed home.

More soon,


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