Friday, December 16, 2011

Lesson plan: Crutches

Lesson Plan-Crutches

Combat Hapkido: Standard Class
Tuesday Evening: Winter Session

Instructor(s): Anthony Rodgers, Blaine Coplon
Assistant Instructor: Misha Golden

Intended student ranking: All

Intended lesson time: 1 hour

1. To demonstrate the adaptation and execution of Combat Hapkido techniques in situations where the martial artist experiences limited physical mobility due to injury or illness.

2. To encourage respect towards and honorable (equal) treatment of all sparring partners or adversaries regardless of outward appearance or percieved ability.

3. To promote awareness of disabled practicioners of martial arts.

Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will:
- Understand and demonstrate the execution of the six basic strikes and three basic blocks of Combat Hapkido in wheelchairs.
-Be able to manuever on crutches effectively to assist in striking vulnerable points as well as dodging unfriendly blows.


Two-three pairs of crutches.
Floor mats for prone work.
Soft targets for strike work if necessary

Technique list:

1. Horizontal punch
2.Vertical punch
3. Palm strike
4. Hook
5. Uppercut
6. Elbow strike
7. Center (brush) block
8. Upward (wing) block
9. Downward (scoop) block
10. Brush-Trap-Strike (prone)


Warmup: Stretches and 50 jumping jacks. Ten repetitions of each desired technique for the night's lesson per side.

Introduction: Misha called up to front/challenged to short sparring match with senior instructor. Sparring match should only incorporate techniques used in warmup. After sparring match students are asked to help identify vulnerable areas Misha struck at.  Emphasis placed on Misha's ability to fight despite physical limitations and that due to injury or illness any martial artist may someday need to do the same.  Use of crutches as extension of the arm should be the focus, as should letting go of one when possible to strike unarmed. Brush trap strike on mat should be demoed. As should striking from prone and the cross block. Crutches held in x shape above body when prone.

Crutches brought out and students paired off to practice techniques, one student per pair on crutches, one standing and with no limitation. Strikes are to be light. If safety is a concern soft targets may be used for strike practice Each student should practice manuvering on crutches for a few minutes before strikes and blocks are incorporated. Balancing on one crutch should be emphasized as well, while other hand is used to strike unarmed.

Misha will circulate and provide feedback on technique execution as well as assistance to those struggling. Senior instructors will supervise for appropriate sparring ettiquite and help where necessary as well.


Recap of lesson's core goals. Physical limitations do not constitute less ability, and one can still defend themselves. All adversaries are worthy of respect regardless of ability level. Also include that those who appear physically weaker are at greater risk for becoming targets for those who are up to no good. Suggest practicing strikes leaning heavily on something or holding long stick to simulate crutches when at home. Congratulate students. Bow out.


Students should be revisiting this method of fighting every few weeks at instructors' discretion and these can be included in the techniques requiring mastery during belt testing if desired.

Lesson prepared for use at Equa Do Martial Arts by Misha Golden. 2011.

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